In order to save money you absolutely must plan your meals! One of the best ways to blow a grocery budget is to make multiple grocery trips per week! I plan our meals two weeks at a time and make on big trip every two weeks. I have to make a couple of small trips for bread, milk, vegatables and such, but really save money by knowing what is for dinner each night! I have to admit, I am not so good at making the lunch and breakfast plans, but do have different meals on hand for those as well.
To make my dinner plans, I review the last two week menu first. I do not like to have the same thing in a month if possible. There are a few exceptions to the favorites or something I have made double of and frozen are a few. I next check what we have available. I love to buy meats and such when they are marked down or on sale, so we almost always have some on hand. once I know what we have available, I make a list based on that and the sales for the week. My lists are usually made on Sunday so I have the sale ad available. Here is the plan for this week....made last Sunday.
Monday Chicken Brats, fries
Tuesday French's Crunchy onion chicken, green beans, salad
Wednesday Burgers, pasta salad, slaw
Thursday English muffing Pizzas
Friday Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad
Saturday Tilapia, steamed vegetables, rice
Sunday Beef Brisket, baked beans, slaw, corn on the cob
I will start adding recipes as time goes on. The spaghetti sauce I make is so easy and yum and makes enough for 4 meals. It freezes very nicely! I love to make meals ahead and freeze them for a night I do not have time for or feel like cooking!
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